Labels:bulletin board | chat room | dialog box | reckoner | sky | web site | window OCR: Checkl StTM .Uc is owned by Elsew and Alus@ and is prot tected under United States and Internat tional copyright 1aws The fo11o'w ing cons titutes license between you and Elseware; by clicking or this dialog box you accept the terms of this aor ueuee. you .uop accept these terms please click Cancel pue we forget the whole thing Under the terms of this agreement you mau not Reverse engineer disassemble decompile or make any attempt to discover the source code to CheckList Remove obscure or alter anu notice of the copur ight trademarks or other proprietary rights related to CheckL ist Modify CheckList in any heM on merge it with another progr am, except for your personal use Any modified or program subject to this Sub- -license sell rent or lease CheckList We encour age you to make as many c ...